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Award Winners
Title of abstract
Zakaria Y. Al Balushi
The Pennsylvania State University
Graphene intercalation: A pathway towards stabilizing new two-dimensional crystals
Maroua Allani
National Institute of Applied Science and Technology INSAT and University of Franche-Comté UFC
LGT crystal quality effects on the resonance frequency stability of bulk acoustic waves resonators
Francesco Boschi
University of Parma
Epitaxial Growth of ε-Ga2O3
Christo Guguschev
Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
Microstructural investigations of SrTiO3 single crystals and multicrystalline silicon using a powerful new X-ray diffraction surface mapping technique
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) sponsorship of the ICCGE-18 will be granted to assist young scientists to attend. The IUCr Young Scientist Award consists of a financial support towards the costs of travel and subsistence. The amount of the grant will be 600 USD. The number of the awards is limited. In order to apply for this award, please send the application documents to the ICCGE-18 program committee by email: program@iccge18.jp. The deadline of application is February 29, 2016 JST → March 18, 2016 JST.
■ "Young scientists" include graduate students, post-graduate students and post-doctoral fellows with their maximum age of 30 (exceptionally 35) on August 7, 2016.
■ Applicants must be the first and presenting author of an abstract submitted to the ICCGE-18.
■ Preference will be given to those young scientists who have published in IUCr Journals.
■ Preference will be given to young scientists with a crystallographic background.
■ The IUCr Young Scientist Awards will be used solely for travel and subsistence expenses.
■ The organizing committee of ICCGE18 provides a 50% reduced registration fee for recipients of the IUCr Young Scientist Awards.
Please send the following documents to program@iccge18.jp,
specifying "IUCr Young Scientist Award" in the subject:
1. An Application using the template (PDF) [Application Form Template (Word)]
2. An abstract submitted to ICCGE-18 (PDF)
3. A brief recommendation letter from supervisor or colleague (PDF)
February 29, 2016 JST →
March 18, 2016 JST
Deadline of application
IUCr Young Scientist Awards application has ended.
The award recipients will be selected by the program committee using the submitted documents. The result of our decision will be informed to applicants after notification of abstract acceptance on April 30, 2016. The award recipients will receive their grant at the registration desk.